Friday, May 8, 2009

A Week in a Nutshell

We had a great time visiting grandma and grandpa on the Island! It felt like a summer visit, nice and relaxing and very sunny, so bright that it was hard to keep the eyes open!
Crustaceans was our theme in science for the past few weeks. Nothing like touching, feeling and seeing everything we have been studying. Grandma even got a crash course on crustaceans anatomy.
Every time we would drive by the bike park; which happened at least twice a week on our way back from taekwondo; the boys would ask to try it out. After telling them "yes, someday we will," in many different ways and for many, many days, they finally tried it out and had a blast!
But life is not all play, there are chores to be done. I'm sure glad we have three strong boys to take care of it!

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