Monday, September 5, 2011

On the Rim of a Volcano

On a beautiful Labor Day weekend
we set out to climb Mt St Helens.
The first few miles were very pleasant and gentle,

and then we got to the boulders!
Lava boulders everywhere

with an occasional reprieve.

To think that this area was covered with beautiful forest and meadows! It seems very desolate now, but it has it's own kind of beauty. It also leaves you in awe to see first hand the result of nature's force and resilience.

If you thought the boulders were hard to climb, wait until you get to the ash. The foot that you laborious step up with, slides down as you lift the other one. You keep on going though, because you can see your destination and it does get closer, even if it is ever so slowly.

Eventually, you make it, and it's worth all the effort! We battled some strong winds coming up, but once on top, the weather was beautiful with only a slight breeze blowing.
Here you see the new dome that is forming, 31 years after the big eruption.

Some steam escaping from the vent.

Christian with Mt Adams on the background.

Conditions were perfect for a nice little snooze.

Members of the climbing expedition, our two older sons and their friend Garret.

You know you are at a cool place when you can see 5 volcanoes. The one you are standing on, Mt Rainier to the N (pictured), Adams to the E, Hood to the S and Baker to the very far N.

Mt Hood with a cloud of forest fire smoke starting to envelop it.

There were some amazing boulder formations, but I have tell you that on the way back I was pretty fed up with boulders. I could not wait to get back to the wooden trail that Christian had initially called "boring."

Another nice shot of Mt Adams.

This incredible experience would not have been possible without the great generosity and hospitality of our dear friends, the Davis', who opened their lovely home to us.

Thank you my dear friend.


Crystal in Lynden said...

OH my goodness, it's Ann! So neat to see her! Great pictures of the hike.

Jill said...

Never cease to amaze me with your adventures!! You guys should write a magazine for outdoor-loving families. Lots of material!!

BRIDGET said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!