Friday, January 15, 2010

That Friday Afternoon Feeling

Most people look forward to Friday afternoons and it's no different around here. It's the day we wrap up our studies, which usually means a shorter school day (on good weeks). It's also the day we do our house cleaning, and I just love to start the weekend with a clean and organized house. Must be something I bring from my childhood. Friday was the day "Dona Dalvina" came to clean the house and my mom put everybody to work. As a normal kid I did not enjoy the cleaning part, but loved the end results. Unfortunately I do not have a "Dona Dalvina", but I do have 3 strong able body boys who are recruited to help with the chores. We now are enjoying the fruit of our labor and looking forward to the weekend. Sure this picture is a little outdated (and so cute), but we are all cozy and ready for a movie.

1 comment:

Cara said...

See, look at those three sweet little cuddly boys! I have so enjoyed hearing from you on my blog. And I love to read yours. It sounds like you all have so much fun being together and you do such neat things, making so many great family memories!