Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We had a blessed Easter Sunday! The boys woke up to an empty basket at their bedroom door. It did contain a magnifying glass to help them look for their treats that we hid around the house. After finding some treats and a nice breakfast we headed to church. We had a great service celebrating the the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Our cousins Jessie and Ryan joined us for lunch and our neighbors Brandon and Lolita joined us later. We had a good afternoon playing games and visiting. The big guys played darts for hours, they could not stop before they each had a wining round. We even had some sun after rain, hail and a brief power outage, but we kept the egg hunt inside. Just as curiosity, what was your tradition at home? As we were talking, it came out that Shawn, Ryan and I, all had to look for the whole basket and treats, not only for the eggs. That was a foreign tradition to Jessie and Lolita, who always got a full basket in the morning with an egg hunt later on. So we wonder if the looking for the basket might have come from our Mennonite background. I'm fully aware that that's not the reason for Easter, but humor me and tell me about your tradition.

Looking for treats and having fun with the magnifying glass.

Christian won his first Monoply game

He also built an "I spy game" for his brothers

Next time we see Jessie we hope she will have the baby in her arms, baby "Klaus" due date is March 28. We can't wait to meet him!!

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