Saturday, February 7, 2009

Not so Dummy!

We had to take the boys to the mall, you know how guys love shopping! So Nolan found a creative way to pass the time. He posed as a mannequin in the Gap window. Once in a while he would take his hand out and wave very discreetly. That wave was the only clue that it was actually a real boy, he blended in that well! It was hilarious!! Can you spot him in the picture above, he is posing at Kohls.


Sam said...
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This is REALLY funny. I had a hard time spotting him!

Sam started his own blog so I thought Christian might want to go visit from time to time. We'll get these kids writing, won't we??

Jackie Buitelaar said...

Your boys have one heck of a great sense of humour, this is so funny!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know which one Nolan was. He was the red one, I think... from:C&G