Saturday, October 17, 2009

Zoo & Others

We had been talking about going to the zoo for ages now, and I means ages, like years! I couldn't put it off any longer, not that I had done it intentionally, the right day just never came along. Until now. The zoo was offering a few days of super discounted prices for home schoolers. Being that the cub scouts theme for the month was Jungle Safari., the pack planned a field trip to the zoo for one of those days. It just happened that we are studying carnivores at the moment, so again, the zoo was the place to go for some safe "hands on" studies. It turned out to be a very entertaining, educative and exhausting day. The boys made it a mission to see every single animal on that place! We did not quite make it, but suffice to say we saw (and walked) enough to satisfy everyone.

I just have to warn you in case you are heading to the zoo anytime soon. It's fall, which in the animal kingdom means mating season. Oh yeah, Mister King of the Animal Kingdom, the mighty lion himself, got up from his mid morning nap and made sure his kingdom would have an heir. Christian just looked at me and snickered, Nolan piped up "they are having a wedding" and then our other little friend said "I think the lion is giving her a massage". "OK!! Time to go see the wild dogs, let's go!" Fortunately, the wild dogs did not live up to their name, they were quite content to be lazy.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Ha ha, Simone. Good heads-up on when to visit (or not) the zoo!