Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lost in the Beauty

Ann and I got out on our first Mt Baker hike of the season. As always, the views were amazing and the conversations never stopped. Well, this time we should have paid a little more attention to where we were going. With all the chatting we were doing, we took a wrong turn and ended up on a dead end facing a huge precipice! OK, it was just a little rocky outcrop, but none the less, we were momentarily lost. I have to say to our benefit, that the trail was covered in snow where we had missed it. We were armed with maps and compass, so we did not worry, we did however have a real good laugh. We retraced our steps, found some other hikers who showed us the way, and headed down the mountain safely!


Ann said...

Wow...that doesn't look familiar!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!

Unknown said...
